drinking a beer with Jesus

We all are drawn to certain things. I am drawn to good beer, friends, and faith. Celtic Christians of a thousand years ago shared these attractions.

And a view of Jesus. I think they are all deeply connected. Let me explain.

Jesus, drink a beer?

First, let me recognize that for some people, Jesus and beer are in opposition.  Jesus couldn’t have–wouldn’t have–had a drink with anyone. You see, the argument goes, alcoholism is a problem, and has been one of the most abused substances on our planet. Jesus would avoid booze. No good Christian drinks, after all, and Jesus was nothing if not a good Christian. 

Humbly, I disagree. Almost all scholars agree that beer and wine were normal beverages in Jesus day, served at almost every meal. The Bible (Ephesians 5:18) tells us to avoid getting drunk. Drunkenness was a problem then, too, so the drinks were not so “new” or watered down that they didn’t contain alcohol. Jesus certainly drank wine at the last supper. And don’t forget that Jesus angered the church leaders of his day because he “ate and drank with sinners.”  It wasn’t the Perrier which got them upset, but fellowship over the mead and the wine.

I believe that Jesus never got drunk, or disoriented any of his faculties. I am committed to following that example. But the Gospels, as I read them, say he drank some.  Without encouraging anyone to drink to extreme or violate a twelve-step promise, let me release beer from its puritanical corral of brimstone.

This blog is about the ways Celtic Christianity celebrated community.

Life is a journey.

Perhaps it is the explorer, wayfarer, in me: Celtic Christians often called themselves, “Peregrinari Pro Christo,” (pilgrims for Christ.) This illumines one of the core understandings of these Irish and Scottish followers of Jesus: “Life is a journey, a spiritual and actual pilgrimage.” It also reminded them that they, like all who have breath, “have a tendency to wander.”

“Hues of Autumn” by John Pototschnik.

We hunger for connection.

I resonate with this. I think we are all searching for something, and—if or when we find it—we then begin searching for a way to share that which we have found with others. For example, find a good restaurant, and we can’t wait to tell a friend. Discover a hidden coffee shop, and we are impatient to bring someone along with us. Stumble into a beautiful mountain glade, and we think, “Oh, so-and-so would love this! I wish they were here with me!” While we may never board a plane or speak a new language, we all are on a journey, searching for meaning and wonder, and—more specifically—for shared meaning and wonder.

We hunger for home.

Here I can find another reason why Celtic faith catches hold of me: travelers and wayfarers always hunger for a home to return to. This is the deep urge in every heart I have met—to find shared meaning, but with intimacy, acceptance, safety, and belonging. You know this feeling. You feel it simply when you climb into your own bed after long trip. Safe. Or walking through a door where you don’t need to knock, and shouting, “Anybody home?” It is a Thanksgiving table, and a hug at the airport.

Where are we finding community and deep connections?

For me, it is found in a dark pub with friends, in a cup of coffee and a listening ear, in a candle-lit Christmas Eve service, in a chocolate-chip pancake breakfast on a snow day. Celtic Christianity and spirituality reveled in this deep sense of community, spiritual friendship, family loyalty, and the intimate communion of all who follow Jesus. They were travelers who understood and relished “home,” knowing that we cannot thrive in life alone.

Holiness can be found around us every day.

Wood shavings from hand-carving a violin.

Finally, I love the fact that the Celtic believers in Jesus were not “dualistic” in their world view.  Sometimes religious traditions (of many faith systems, I think) fall into the dichotomy that the real world is evil and the spiritual world is good. In austerity and fear, things that are concrete and physical become items or experiences a godly person should push away.

In contrast, Celtic Christianity believed that Jesus was always near to the earth, available, rather than sequestered in Heaven. They understood the immanence of the spiritual world, the goodness of nature, the value of all life, and the joy of tangible hospitality. While they sought contentment in simplicity and avoided gluttony, they enjoyed the taste of a good meal or a dark ale, the smell of wood shavings, the loamy feel of garden soil on their hands, and the quiet of a walk in the glen.  To them, God’s goodness was tangible. They could swim in it at a beach, and roll his goodness around on their tongue, and feel its warmth from the hearth. Real. Present. Here. Now.

I know it tarnishes me, but I love the Celtic poetry of St. Brigid of Kildare, a friend of St. Patrick. In Martha-ish style, she expresses perfectly the Gaelic convergence of community, spirituality, hospitality, and God’s companionship:

I would like to have the men of Heaven in my own house:
With vats of good cheer laid out for them.
I would like to have the three Marys, their fame is so great.
I would like people from every corner of Heaven.
I would like them to be cheerful in their drinking,
I would like to have Jesus too here amongst them.
I would like a great lake of beer for the King of Kings,
I would like to be watching Heaven’s family, drinking it through all eternity.

One reading of the original Greek of John 1:14, reflecting Middle Eastern culture, is, “He pitched his tent in the middle of our camp.”  The Message Version says it this way, “The Word became flesh and blood, and moved into the neighborhood.” It does stretch us a bit, but I remember that at the last supper Jesus said that he wouldn’t drink wine again until he was with his followers in heaven. Logically, then, I guess there will be a time to sip at a fine Pinot Grigio with Christ in heaven. Or even a Fat Tire? (Probably a Chamay Ale, deliciously brewed by Belgian monks.) This seems to speak truth to my soul.

For this is the blue-collar, carpenter Jesus I have met. Real. Present. Here. Now. God-with-us. In the neighborhood, at the wedding feast or the Christmas party.

May I get you a another beer, Lord?


  1. hey brad… good thoughts…

    i really resonate with this idea of the earthiness of life… a good friend shared the following words at a concert i attended:

    [audio src="http://aronhalt.net/GMA/MP3/don%20chaffer%20on%20faith.mp3" /]

    i love this idea that we’re living eternal life NOW…

  2. Loved your article! But Jesus did drink wine a the last supper/passover, It was the third cup, the cup of redemption that he put off for the future.

  3. It’s impossible for me to think this way after having seen the effects of “drinking a beer with buddies” have almost destroyed my husband’s family. The “head” of the family being an alcoholic is not an easy picture to include my Heavenly Father. We have found my father in law in many dark pubs sharing a beer with those around him but I assure you I NEVER saw or felt the presence of my Heavenly Father at any one of those places.
    Also, I don’t think my best friend can imagine theHeavenly Father who carried her with His strong arms thru the funeral of her only brother who was killed by a drunk driver would later join anyone for a beer.
    Please don’t put the King of Kings and Lord of Lords in such a common arena. Yes, He meets us where we are, but he doesn’t leave us that way.

    • Good thoughts, Jana. I am sorry for the effect alcohol has had in your life. I am trying to get people to think anew about a Jesus who is present , not just in a church service. Drinking a beer speaks to me of a “together” common community, without addiction or drunkenness. But I understand your position. Lord, give us wisdom. bless you.

    • I have similar feelings to Jana’s. In a perfect world we could sit and drink a beer or wine and talk and have that “family” feeling. But sadly, I have also seen the affects of one too many. Anger, curses, violence, hangovers, etc, etc. Alcohol addiction destroys lives and the enemy has used it against God’s people. If we could all just stop at one or two drinks…..

  4. Pastor Brad! Brandy Mc. here again. 🙂 You are my kind of guy! I am married to a 94 yr old leprechaun myself and the sparkle and twinkle in your lives are identical! I am blessed to know you both! God Bless you.

  5. I respectfully disagree. I believe Jesus drank an early wine/grape juice. I don’t believe He would have been able to allow a substance to alter His clear thoughts. He even rebuked His disciples for allowing sleep to deter them from prayer. Alcohol certainly can and will deter us from right thinking, cause us to use poor judgement, heighten our “emotional state”, thereby leaving us open to temptation.
    I believe Christians that drink alcohol look for a way to make it right. Just doing what they always wanted to do. Early Christians drinking beer isn’t a reason to say its ok.
    I have been on both sides of alcohol. I desperately want for my 2 youngest to never touch it. What is a good reason to drink!? I have just as much fun, laughing, relaxing, enjoying life without drink as the world does with. And I’m not doing something that could make a brother fall.
    I’m not a prude. My husband and I go to dinner with people who do drink, our oldest son drinks alcohol and had it at his wedding reception.
    I just don’t believe it is a God honoring past time.

    • Monica,I respectfully disagree with your point of view. Remember Paul admonishing people to not get drunk on the communal wine? That meant Christians were drinking fermented grape juice. Paul also admonished to have wine with meals to settle ones stomach. He was not taking about non-fermented beverages. The whole concept of Jesus only drinking grape juice goes against 3000 years of Jewish custom. But people want to project what they want to project.
      More importantly, when you read the scripture about him turning water into wine, the guests commented on how “good” the wine was, since after long bouts of drinking and eating, hosts usually started passing out the cheap stuff.

      I sincerely doubt when Jesus went into a “sinners” home, he insulted them by refusing their hospitality, which would include drinking fermented grape juice and possibly beer. During the Roman empire, wine was sometimes fermented up to 100 years, then cut with water when served. So “new” wine has especial meaning in relation to that, since I’m sure it was pure and uncut and tasted exceptionally good (as if God would serve bad tasting wine). The Old testament is full of examples of drinking wine in both a positive and negative light. But saying Jesus would never drink fermented wine and beer is simply inaccurate.
      By your standards, we shouldn’t drink coffee or tea since the contain caffeine.

      . The whole anti alcohol attitude was in fact started by Puritans (not to be confused with the Pilgrims), even though there was considerable scripture to counter that. They transformed their practices in the anti Catholic rhetoric to justify their point of view. We are still living with their mistakes.

      You might want to read the book “God and Guinness”. The Guinness family was truly doing God’s work when the offered an alternative to undrinkable water and home distilled Gin (the crack cocaine of it’s day). Guinness beer was safe, it was healthy, it was an alternative to hard liquor.
      Even during the great mistake we called prohibition, wine for religious purposes was allowed, and lots of people “got” religion because of that.:-).

      • Joe, I agree. I think that wine in Bible, as used in the Greek, is real alcoholic wine. And I have talked about the Guinness family over a few Guinness. God bless their compassionate hearts!

  6. I resonate with Monica and would go one step further and point out that alcohol is a drug. It alters your state of mind. And like many drugs it can be addictive. It is not uncommon for people to like drugs and want to have more of them. We need to recognize it for what it is. The only time in the Bible where people are encouraged to drink alcohol is when they are dying or when they have a stomach problem. Just like other addictive drugs we only use them when we have to control pain, etc. Just because something has been legalized in our society in past years and now has become socially acceptable, does not mean it is a God honoring choice. People from a Jewish background believe that the wine of Jesus time was not alcoholic but just fermented to a point of having good probiotics in it, not unlike Kombuchi tea. That is why Paul recommended to Timothy to take a little bit for his stomach. In past generations people smoked without recognizing the bad health effects it had and I believe we are currently drinking without recognizing the bad health effects it has. It damages our brain and it damages our liver. I don’t believe that Jesus would have encouraged people to damage the temple of the Holy Spirit that our body is. I also am encouraging my children to avoid this damaging drug.

    • I get it. Thanks for loving your kids so deeply.

      I may be wrong, but my study of Jewish roots leads me to believe that the wine of Jesus’ time was alcoholic. Else, why warn early Christians: “Do not be drunk with wine…” Seems like the choice was theirs.

      Mostly, I respect your choice not to drink. Many godly Christians throughout the ages, and several of my mentors do not drink.

  7. I think that Jesus is with us whenever we need/want him to be. I feel it does not matter to him if we are drinking a beer, or a glass of milk. I don’t believe he wants us to over indulge in alcohol or any other mind altering substance. But I don’t believe he would turn his back on anyone, in any circumstance, over indulged in alcohol or not.

  8. This has nothing to do with over indulgence or addiction. I guess you could substitute a jelly doughnut for the beer and there would be sugar haters commenting, or a thick, juicy steak and there would be animal advocates commenting on the meat industry. I don’t believe in a God that is a hater. Overindulgence is a man made problem, not one that God bestows upon those who enjoy a beverage, be it a cola or bourbon and coke, beer or wine. Addiction comes in many forms, car-aholics, hi-tech toy-aholics, work-aholics, lazy-aholics…etc….I believe God wants us to live energetically, passionately, with kindness and love. Thank you for this wonderful article. I will be reading more from you.

  9. I was brought up to believe that alcohol was abhorrent for the believer and that drinking it was the lowest of sins. So I know this issue. The problem, however, is that there are many other substances that pose the same problems as alcohol, yet are allowed and encouraged by the ones to oppose it. These item include prescription medications, caffeine, anesthetic, etc. so the issue is not the effects of alcohol alone, but the sense of “dirty culture” associated with the consumption of alcohol from which Christians try to separate. May we all have Scripture at the forefront as we approach this issue (and all issues) and be of sound mind in discussion.

  10. Although everyone is entitled to their own opinion about whether Jesus drank alcohol or not, here are a few things to think about: 1). When Jesus turned the water into wine the bible states that it was BETTER than what the host of the wedding served. 2) The term the Greek uses fir wine here is “vinos” which means effervecient, basicly Jesus made champagne. 3).When Jesus spoke to the religious leaders of the day he said in Mathew 11:19 “The Son of man came eating and drinking, and they say, Behold a man gluttonous, and a winebibber, a friend of the publicans and sinners.” If he didn’t drink they would not have made that accusation. Scripture even tells us that a little wine is good for the stomach ( 1 Timothy 5:23). So, I could see us having a drink with Jesus.

  11. This is the way I feel. I love the Celts acceptance of Christainity, it is beautiful, not forced. Peaceful, loving and joyous. And yes, I would love to share a Guinness with Jesus.

  12. I stumbled across your blog today after a friend shared your Aurora Miracle post. I love your blog and the views you are expressing here. I am of celtic ancestry myself (red headed and all) so I can certainly appreciate your celtic leanings. After growing up in a conservative church and attending an even more conservative university I really appreciate the perspective of someone who would enjoy a beer with Jesus. I look forward to following your blog and will certainly look up your church if I ever pass through Denver.

  13. I guess I’ve seen to many try to justify their actions with the scriptures above(Gary H.) They may be true but even though I have had a drink at times I get tired of people abusing alcohol. When I see people drinking I do not think what a great christian they are! I dont think they think that of me either. I have seen too much addiction that I really try to watch what I do in front of others. Besides I really dont like to not be in my right frame of mind. All in all I consider this a very controversial subject. One day we will see clearly but until then I feel strange about drinking and being a bad influence.

    • Gidget, honestly I have had to quit drinking myself. Can’t stop with just a drink or two. The real issue here isn’t alcohol, but over indulgence! I have had way too many people preach to me that alcohol is a sin while mowing through a 20 piece chicken dinner! The point I was really trying to make with my earlier statement was that I could see Jesus and I enjoying a drink together!

  14. Also on another note, it is great to be able to go to a place where this type of subject can be broached without anger or bad language and bitterness. So, thanks for that:}

    • My whole purpose is to discuss real life and faith. Thanks for adding to our conversation, seasoned with grace.

  15. Hi Brad,
    I have been perusing your blog today, and have enjoyed your candid ideas and beliefs. I am pretty sure that Jesus would have -A- beer with someone, while sitting around the living room with a group of people, talking about His Father, and faith and teaching His ways. I am not convinced that He would sit around at a pub, in the way society tends to do. I think that if He did enter a bar/pub, He would not be able to just sit there with “His group of friends, quietly (and boringly) sipping a beer, either. I think He would be laughing and teaching and inviting everyone to His table to hear the Good News.

    Remember, Jesus is/was a Jew: Jew’s drink wine no less than once a week at the Sabbath meal, even today. They don’t drink 3 bottles and get wasted. On Pesach, (Passover), they drink 4 cups (representing God’s reminder to the Hebrews, saying …”I took you out”; “I rescued you”, “I liberated you”, and “I took you to Me for a people”). At the Last Supper, Jesus and His disciples were in the middle of the Seder (meal). They had drunk the first two cups and Jesus held up the third saying “This is My covenant, in blood; do this in remembrance of Me” because he was just about to liberate them by sacrificing Himself. He didn’t take the last cup because we are not yet all gathered together as His people. He said that He wouldn’t drink the fruit of the vine again until that day…the day we are all together, and then He will lift the last cup of the Pesach. It’s symbolic, not an anti wine campaign, or, for that matter, forbidding us to partake of it.

    The Bible says “Do not get DRUNK with wine, where it is in excess” It doesn’t say don’t EVER drink a drop of alcohol, or you’re going to Sheol. We are also supposed to honor our brothers or sisters, who may not be able to stop drinking if they begin, and abstain with them, or offer them something else, but not judge either way. The sin in “drinking” (or anything, for that matter), is when something is put above God, made more important or valuable; alcohol, drugs, food, sex, vanity, or kids, our self, even our “religion”. Not everyone has a problem with drinking one glass of wine (I actually dislike the buzz that alcoholics crave). Just like some people can sit down and eat a nice balanced meal with correct portions, and others just can’t stop eating and eating and eating. It’s common sense; you don’t drink a beer with Jesus if your an alcoholic, and you don’t go to an all you can eat buffet with Him if you are addicted to food. Beer and wine aren’t EVIL, it’s the unchecked spirit of a person who purposely goes after the thing they are not in control of (rebellion) that is evil, but that’s the whole purpose of Jesus’ sacrifice…forgiveness, and freedom.

    • I find being ambassadors of His majesty King Jesus we have a responsibility to not make an ass of the Kingdom. We have total liberty but do not forget we also have responsibility of representing the Kingdom of Heaven let’s avoid dis honoring it as best as we can.

  16. I don’t claim to be an expert, but I do believe that Jesus would reach out to us common folk. He would sit down and have a sip with us in the warmth of our homes if we invited Him. That’s what He did, according to the Bible. The Pharisees even looked down on Him because He mingled with the ordinary people. He would not do it to drink to excess; He would do it because He wants to be with us, whom He loves as His Father’s own.
    Your images are lovely. Thank you for giving me a blessing today.

  17. In a world unstriken by the wickedness brought about by our depraved lust for drugs and alcohol this ideology may be possible, unfortunately that world doesn’t exist. This world is cold and dark, the demon’s hiding in bottles and needles fulfill the enemies plans, eloquent writing doesn’t change the devil’s plans. Those who know scripture well understand the importance of being sober and vigilant, avoiding the very presence of evil, seeking holiness, following Christ in his following Christ in His commission to make disciples of all the nations as we fall out of love with this perishing world and look forward to His return.

  18. Time permitted only a quick scan of this blog entry and following comments, so please forgive me for not making a “fully educated” response. I have to say that I’ve wrestled with this topic for a large part of my life. Honestly, I really can’t stand beer or alcohol of any kind. It’s never been part of my life, and I’d guess I’ve perhaps had maybe 15 sips (not full servings!) of alcoholic drinks in my whole life.

    I grew up with a “Drinking is bad!” mentality. But I’ve come to change my thoughts on “What would Jesus do?” with respect to drinking. First, I think Jesus knew how to have a good time. Make that a GREAT time! Remember his ministry introduction at Canna? Wedding, party time, let’s celebrate … Water into wine! I really don’t think he got smashed that day/night … but I bet everyone was entertained and celebrating!

    Now look at the other end of his life. When He was on the cross in unbelievable pain … and in total obedience to the Father and his mission … he was offered wine via the sponge on a rod of hyssop (http://bible.us/john19.29.esv). He didn’t take *that* wine. Granted, there was a lot going on … but I suspect one of the reasons He didn’t take that wine was because He wanted to make sure He was in full control of His mind at this critical time, wanting to remain in full obedience to the Father’s plan.

    The bottom line (for me) is … I just don’t think there’s a one-size-fits-all answer. I believe Jesus would want us to celebrate (responsibly!) when the situation presents itself. And I believe he also wants us to use our best unaltered judgment when the situation requires it. To everything there is a season…

    But as for me, I’ll keep on not drinking.

    • Love the balance here. It is my belief based on my research and the original Greek texts that (1) Jesus drank wine (and perhaps beer), and even created wine for others to drink, (2) and it is my belief that he never drank in such a way that it injured another or touched his faculties. Many humans do the first, but fail at the second. Alcohol is widely abused. But it is not alcohol that is the problem, but self-control. Some wise Christians disagree.

      I also find it interesting that many miss the point. The post is less about alcohol than it is about a Jesus who is present to celebrate with common people. Jesus, for me, is a pub kind of incarnate God. Just me.

  19. I loved this post; thank you, Brad!

    As one who has alcoholics within the family, I maintain the distinction between overindulgence and moderate consumption of alcohol. To place the blame on a liquid seems to me, to demoralize the intelligence – and free will – of man. Demons do not lurk in shiny glass bottles, they lurk in the shadows of man’s heart. Food is abused in much the same way in America, however I’ve never heard a sermon or a fellow christian disparage the one who consumes too much.

  20. I am a recovering alcoholic, 45 or so years of sobriety. I can hear a Johny Cash song and I go back to the PX in the hot sun in basic training, drinking my two cans of beer to breaK the tedium.
    I quit (age 24) after experiencing a blackout with one mixed drink: i made a tolal fool of myself, with witnesses present.
    A few years ago, at a family meeting at my sister’ home, she had a bottle of wine “I am sure you will like this – I took a sip, Good!, another sip – and poured it in the sink andwalked around the block until the craving stopped.
    I once tasted nonalcoholic beer – and the craving came back.
    I do not drink alcohol. Ever.

    But the fact is, beer was a vital necessity in the ancient world – pathogen free beverage, easily digested carbohydrates, and a use for low-quality grain.

    I do not know the alcohol content of wine in Jesus’ day. It probably was in the 10-12 percent range.
    And it was consumed by almost everyone.
    Someone asked me did I believe Jesus was a drunkard – no, and he was not a thief, liar, or any numver of evil things. But he drank wine. Period. And before the temperance movement, there was no question about it.

    So it is our abuse of alcohol, and not His, that is the problem.
    We cannot define Jesus to our pleasure: He was defined before the creation of the world.

    • I feel great joy and thankfulness when I meet people like you, who have, with God’s help, broken the addiction cycle. Lot’s of “holics” in my own family of origin, but God has done amazing things. Every day is a new chance, for good or for evil. Thank you! One day, sometimes one minute, at a time.

      • And I love this wisdom: “We cannot define Jesus to our pleasure. He was defined before he creation of the world.”

  21. Thank you Brad for this perspective. It mirrors my own, except that I would add the joy of dance to the mix, since I love dancing and feel the freedom of Christ when I dance. God created all things for us to enjoy!

    • Thank you. I tried to dance a jig at a wedding reception once, moving with the energy and grace of a hippo on hockey skates. I spent the next two months in a knee-brace. (Remembering, I was a clumsy child, too. Thanks, Mom.)

      But I digress. Dance can be wonderful, too. Everything in balance, and with an eye, heart, or heel tossed upward.

  22. Okay, I was one who was raised that alcohol is evil and the devil’s snare. This has been a tough road for me. My husband and I have raise our young adult children to drink in moderation. We get a lot of grieve for this. : ( Jesus did not drink grape juice and drinking is not a sin. Drunkenness is a sin as are many things when overdone. My very mature Christian girl friends and I regularly get together for dinner, wine and Christian love and support. A good, good thing. I’m sad for those who still give alcohol the power it seems to wield in our society. Sad. If we did not see it as a power unto itself we might actually not be so fearful and controlled by it. If we tell ourselves that it really does have all this power then of course we should not be responsible – in any way – to use moderately. Stanton Peele is an author and addictions expert. Read him – good thoughts.

  23. Ok, the Celt from across the Channel has to barge in. I have forever in my mind the image of Herr Doktor Martinus Luther, alias “Junker Georg”, slipping out of the castle of his exile with a bad case of cabin fever. He steals into the local Gasthaus. He orders up a krug of brew and tosses a silber groschen at the gastmeister serving up the foaming brew. He watches the men of the land, farmers, yeomen, piling in long after sundown, a hard 12-14 hour day of backbreaking work behind them. They sorrow with each others tragedies. They celebrate each others small triumphs. They share the ups and downs of their anonymous lives, one with another. Day after day, Junker watches transfixed as these comrades, neighbors, share their lives as they share their brew, each with their own krug, locking arms. “Trink, Bruderlein, trink!” They sing their drinking songs, locking arms in solidarity. Schunkeln!

    “Oh, how needed is this in the Body of Christ, to live and sorrow and to celebrate in this manner, the manner of life!” He takes one of their drinking songs and adapts it to the community of the Saints : “Ein’ Feste Burg ist Unser’ Gott”. We know it as “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God”.

    All over ein’ Krug Bier!

    • Wow, Gary. Quite a wordsmith. While I know this tale, your retelling gives me goose bumps. A sacred hymn from a drinking tune…could it happen?

  24. This really is the fourth article, of your website I personally went through.
    And yet I really like this specific 1, Room Darkening Shades “Drinking an Beer
    with Jesus | celtic straits” the best. Cya ,Vernita

  25. Brad, I love this article. Reading it brings me into the essence of something mysterious and homely all at once. I recently heard of the alamo, a place you can watch movies, and have a beer and a dinner. So as soon as the hobbit came out, I knew where I was heading. I have maybe a handful of beers a year, I’m not a huge fan of beer, but man did I enjoy watching the hobbit drinking a beer and eating a burger. What true joy.

    • The Hobbit enjoys his grog, he does. Thanks for the encouragement. I, too, watched Smaug with a dark ale in m’ hand.

  26. […] Seventh, take a look up. If you are a religious or a spiritual person and pray every day, there is now proof that you might be doing your brain and body a huge favor. According to several studies at non-religious places (like the British Journal of Health, University of Pennsylvania, and Columbia University, Harvard Medical School), people who pray fight off depression, anxiety, and loneliness far more than those who don’t. Studies show religious faith even changes our brain cortex so that we deal with daily stress better. Research finds that prayer reduces our current tension levels, improves our heart health, speeds up post-surgery recovery, and helps us live longer. Most people believe there is a good God above, watching over us. That life has meaning, and that there is a plan our lives. Say a prayer. It If God is there, honestly, then we are not completely alone. We have someone we can talk to. Someone we can connect with. It is my opinion–and concrete experience–that God desires to connect with us. Deeply and with love. You might want to check out my blogs, Spiritual Intimacy: A Historic Voice or Drinking a Beer with Jesus. […]

  27. Growing up baptist I was taught “don’t drink, don’t cuss, or date women who do.” Fortunately, this mantra only rang true till my mid 20’s. What started out as a pure and right conviction quickly turned me into a raging condemner of others. Pride turned out with many eclectic friends. Guess I’m not as holy as I once thought. It has been refreshing to find His goodness in tangible ways. I have since had many great shared experiences with friends.

  28. Hi Brad. Thanks for this post. It’s one I frequently come back to….as a reminder of how the sublime can and should be felt in the simplicity of everyday “things.” It challenges my complex legalism to give way to a simple trust in Jesus, and by extension an enjoyment of the simple pleasures in this life. Epic grace is living in a passionate union with life, not receding from it. Your post drives this home for me. Thanks again!

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